Education, Research, Scientific Networking and Trust Building within International Cooperation
31st July 2015 - 11.00
Venue: European Pavilion, EXPO Milano 2015
Attendees: Experts and special interest groups: academia, NGOs, institutional officers. The event will also be broadcast through web-streaming
Organisers: The CUCS Network
Partnerships: UNSDN, MED Solutions, UNESCO, MAE, CRUI
The one-day conference will stress the relevance of education, research and scientific diplomacy within the main challenges of International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, among which food security represents one of the key element of the more and more claimed integrated management of natural resources, public services and human capacities. The conference will discuss with international experts three topics within three main sessions:
- New competences for Cooperation and Development:
The session will investigate how to set patterns of education, training, design and scientific communication, as well as how to activate new generations of researchers, academicians and professionals in developed and developing countries. When challenges are complex, wide and long lasting (i.e. sustainability of food supply chain, free market and competition with public policies, new economic models able to integrate environmental sustainability and social inclusion), a new professional frame needs to be designed. Voluntary attitude and inclination are positive engines, but they must be supported by consolidated experience and competence. Sustainable development must be integrated in the curricula of the students (whatever disciplines they are studying) since this is an urgency for all the individuals that will operate in global contexts; - Research and Innovation for Development: the case of city food:
Scientific research has become a tool for development and it can contribute to innovate the practice of international cooperation using also research for improving the efficacy of any action. Research should aim at technologies, practices and models that are appropriate, participated, able to induce individual and community development and deeply tailored to the context of action. An example of a running experience in the food sector related to cities will be discussed with its relevant players; - Scientific Networking and Trust Building:
This complex framework of action leads to understand that nobody can act alone: networking of competences and expertise are currently more requested. Universities, NGOs, International Organizations, nonprofit and private enterprises, local and national institutions, North‐North, North‐South and South‐South cooperation, are all actors which should be coordinated to share knowledge, experiences and initiatives;
The conference will also represent the launching event for the fourth Scientific conference of the CUCS network: Human resources in cooperation and development, which will be hosted by the University of Brescia in joint cooperation with Catholic University of Holy Hearth in September 10‐12th, 2015.
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