The CNR x EXPO inter-departmental programme aims to communicate to the broad international audience of EXPO 2015 outstanding results and future challenges of research and innovation about the main theme of the universal exhibition: “Feeding the planet, Energy for Life”. CNR research network also aims at showing applications of scientific findings, and interactions with stakeholders and end-users, especially including private industries in emerging fields of agri-business.
CNR participation to EXPO 2015 is framed into a collaboration agreement, with CNR acting as scientific consultant of Padiglione Italia. This involves CNR to:
- Overview as scientific advisor the research and innovation initiatives submitted to Padiglione Italia;
- Implement communication and dissemination initiatives based on the program agreed with Padiglione Italia, and shortly consisting of 24 events covering weekly the main research themes presented at EXPO 2015;
- Organize information and coordination actions, before, during and after EXPO 2015;
- Contribute to the actions of "edutainement", particularly to the benefit of the school system, and promote education and knowledge of young entrepreneurs.
The 24 CNR events will be organized as executive projects to be implemented with innovative features, in terms of content and communication modalities. Each event is committed to communicate a clear message about research and development in the three areas that have been identified by CNR as the pillars of its research activities at EXPO 2015:
- Food and men (covering e.g. environmental and bio-medical aspects of agriculture);
- Food and productivity (covering e.g. the problems of optimization of the use of natural and biological resources, as well as latest advances in agronomical practices);
- Food and transformation technologies (covering e.g. food processing and the overall farm-to-fork chain).
CNR participation to EXPO also includes collaboration on initiatives of other pavilions on themes of global interests, and on emerging technologies worldwide. Finally, CNR will support an intense programme of activities outside EXPO, and will further catalyse circulation of ideas and diffusion of knowledge on science and agriculture.
The EXPO events will mainly address politically, socially, and scientifically relevant themes, whose discussion aims at producing knowledge and shared documents, and at planning new strategic initiatives. thus effectively disseminating progress for the improvement of well-being and prosperity of a sustainable society.