Latest events
RETE E INNOVAZIONE IN AGRICOLTURA: Esiste un digital divide nel settore agroalimentare?
Maurizio Martinelli, IIT CNR, Giorgio Sirilli, IRCRES CNR
Lombardy Dialogues: Innovative monitoring and management of environmental resources
Coordinator: Silvana Castelli
Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA)
Research, Sustainability and Innovation in New Foods
From the picture to the plate: between art, science and gastronomy
Coordinator: Sandra Fiore
Ufficio stampa CNR
The Lake Chad case: a source of food and water standing between environmental disaster and international cooperation. What role for Italy?
Food Metrology: Approaches and Tools for Measuring Food Quality
Bring along biodiversity: Plants and People on the move
Mediterranean diet and cancer prevention: from tradition to research
Enterprise Europe Network events
Coordinators: Nicola Fantini & Irene Dell'Aversana
CNR – Struttura Tecnica di Particolare Rilievo ‘Valorizzazione della Ricerca’
Container and its contents: the new challenges of food packaging
Coordinator: Mario Malinconico
Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB)
FOOD FUTURING TOURS - A participatory visionary lab to think and tinker with the future of food
Smell and Taste: a sensorial journey throught food products
Sustainable Technologies for Controlling Water Consumption in Agriculture
Addressing our Emerging Water Futures: The Water, Food, Energy, Ecosystems Security Nexus
Microbiota, nutrition and wellness: a system based approach
Coordinators: Mena Nazzaro & Mauro Rossi
Institute of Food Science (ISA)
The great beauty of the Italian landscape: How it was, how it is, how it will be
Coordinator: Silvia Fineschi
Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP)
Genetic improvement, biodiversity and the future of agriculture in a crowded planet: sense and sensibility
Coordinator: Dr. Alessandro Vitale
Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA)
27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB)
Esperienze Italiane per l'Innovazione in Agricoltura: attualità del contributo di Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza
Sustainable technologies for the processing and preservation of food products
Coordinator: Dimitri Dello Buono & Lorenzo Amato
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA)
Global drought, land degradation and desertification
From waste to resources: Biomasses and biorefineries for food and non-food productions
Coordinator: Nicoletta Ravasio
Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies (ISTM)
Ecosystem and biodiversity: the italian research servicing citizens
Coordinator: Giorgio Matteucci
Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (ISAFOM)
Workshop Space4Agri: satellite observations for agriculture monitoring
Coordinators: Pietro Alessandro Brivio & Mirco Boschetti
Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA)
Lombardy Dialogues: Setting a model for a sustainable dairy chain
Coordinator: Diego Breviario
Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA)
Precision agriculture and sustainable use of resources
Coordinator: Alessandro Matese
Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET)
Soil consumption: Dialogue tools
Coordinator: Teodoro Georgiadis
Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET)
Future for Food and Food for Future
“Food-print”: The environmental cost of food
Novel Food and Celiac Disease
The hunger of water and its sustainable use for cropping systems
Coordinator: Rossella Albrizio
Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean (ISAFOM)
Smart food for a Smart life: le nuove frontiere nelle scienze dell’alimentazione
Coordinatori: Virginia Carbone, Angelo Facciano, Gian Luigi Russo, Rosa Anna Siciliano
Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione (ISA)
Biochar: a sustainable solution for agriculture and environment
Coordinator: Franco Miglietta
Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET)
The new farm between production and territory: environmental protection, energy and social role of the agriculture
Coordinator: Marcella De Martino
Institute for service industry research (IRISS)
Towards an eco-sustainable fishery and a safe catch
Coordinator: Gianna Fabi
Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR)
Tree Biotechnology Conference 2015
Wheat for the Future - Advancing wheat research for global food security
Coordinator: Aldo Ceriotti
Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology (IBBA)
The challenge of technology systems: the traceability of wine supply chain
Coordinator: Francesco Carimi
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR)
Obesity: when, how and why. The causes, effects and ways to counter it
Does the Mediterranean diet still exist? The Med Diet EXPO 2015 call: time to act
Coordinator: Mauro Gamboni
Department of Biology, Agriculture and Food Sciences (DiSBA)
A (bio)diverse world: Agrobiodiversity in a changing world
Traditional Food Product: hope or contraddiction for a Made in Italy agriculture?
Coordinator: Andrea Scaloni
Institute for animal production system in mediterranean environment (ISPAAM)
Lombardy Dialogues: Food safurity: bridging safety and security
Coordinator: Marcella Chiari
Institute of Chemistry of Molecular Recognition (ICRM)
Researchers go to school - Researchers and students discuss on issues concerning the use of innovative methodologies of Earth Observation for agriculture in Lombardy
II° Intensive-Practical Sensory Analysis Course
Coordinator: Stefano Predieri
Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET)
The Smart Supply Chain: new materials for the agro-food packaging
Coordinator: Clara Silvestre
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (ICTP)
Sicilian Wine, the genetic certificate
Coordinator: Francesco Carimi
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR)
Biodiversity and Biotecnology: two resources for Mediterranean Agriculture
Coordinator: Domenico Pignone
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR)
New frontiers for the protection and sustainable management of soil and landscape
Coordinator: Angelo Basile
Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean (ISAFOM)