Towards an eco-sustainable fishery and a safe catch
Coordinator: Gianna Fabi
Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR)
In the past fishing activities were based on the concept that the marine resources were unlimited and therefore exploitable by using any gear that allowed to obtain the maximum catch with minimum effort. This has led to the use of high-powered vessels and of environmentally impacting fishing techniques, with consequent environmental, social and economic problems. In the last decade researchers and fishing operators have understood the deleterious effects of such policy, turning their attention to preserve the fish stocks, to minimize the impact on the marine ecosystems, and to adopt effective management systems in agreement with the local, national and international legislation.
On this regard, the European Commission issued the "Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy" (COM 2011-417; July 13, 2011), where sustainability is at the main issue, according to the provisions of the framework Directive "Marine Strategy". The EXPO event, organized by the Department Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies with the contribute of the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) of Ancona and the Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (IAMC) of Capo Granitola (TP), will explore these issues, involving industry experts, common people and schools. Paola Catapano, Science Communicator at CERN of Ginevra, will interview experts of CNR and other Institutions on the effects of fishing on the environment and marine biodiversity, on alternative ways to achieve environmentally friendly fishing and new technologies in support of a safe catch.
The second section of the event will consist of the award ceremony of a competition entitled "Fishing eco-friendly and traceable. Is it possible?" organized by CNR. This competition was addressed to the junior high schools located in the Italian coastal maritime municipalities. Link a Nota Miur del 6 ottobre 2014. The event will be concluded with a taste of fishing products offered by Cluster Biomediterraneo in which you will appreciate fish products obtained with an environmentally friendly fishing.