Sustainable technologies for the processing and preservation of food products
Coordinator: Dimitri Dello Buono & Lorenzo Amato
Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA)
This is an event based on information with the focused objective to show examples and models of coorperations (be they at organizational, institutional level or at a technological integration level) which can be reproduced at some capacity on diverse scales in various areas of the world. It will also be used to implement accellerated business aspects, with the fundamental objective of putting International Organizations, industries and stake holders of food and agriculture, the world of research in models of observation, planification, production and conservation of agricultural products sectors together. It provides a great opportunity to create linkages between these different worlds to support cooperation and the participation of collaboration within projects already realized and those to yet to come to fruition.
The event will follow a specific narrative, through which (with the participation of guests of high esteem, such as officers of the United Nations, Fao, IFAD, European Commission, Word Food Programme, etc) success stories and experiences will be recounted, such as the application of Earth Observation via Satellites as well as on-site applications for the monitoring of agriculture, like geoSDI (geo Spatial Data Infrastructures) does for territorial planification, decision support and tracking of transport of food and agricultural merchendise (WFP in Palestine) and the addition of solar powered technologies for the conservation and transformation of agricultural produce in impoverished countries on a global scale, such as Burundi.
The UNIDO organization has published a tender for innovative projects in material based on technologies applied at an agricultural, transformation level and production of energy based applications for agricultural production. The event will host a ceremony of prize giving, immediately after the conclusion of the event on the 26th of August. The representatives chosen by UNIDO will be invited to present the prizes to the winners of the tender. The ceremony will be followed by a small gathering with refreshements. There will also be an outdoor exhibition area of over 1,000 square meters, at the facilities of the Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture CRA-IAA, where you can see, the latest equipment for the production and sale of processed food dedicated particularly to the short chain and useful tools for small to medium italian enterprises, as well as hardware and software technologies for the realization of SDI for the planning and monitoring of agricultural areas.